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info.link makes products transparent & compliant

info.link is the only platform in the EU developed with top law firms specifically for environmental compliance. With info.link, you can easily and cost-effectively create an info page for every product, compliant with all EU environmental regulations. The unique flexibility and user-friendliness make info.link the leading EU transparency platform.



Simple, flexible, future-proof

How to make your Green Claims & products EU-compliant

With the push of a button, you can create a dedicated information page for each product that meets all relevant EU regulations. info.link scales easily from one to thousands of products, consistently using future-proof standards and technologies.

info.link import products

Step 1

Import products

Easily import all your products via CSV, GDSN, or PIM. info.link automatically verifies GTINs and even detects active licenses from leading certifiers to ensure compliance.

info.link module library

Step 2

Add content & claims

We help you create EU-compliant Green Claims. Or simply choose a pre-formatted claim from our module library (e.g., Blue Angel, FSC, Organic, Recycling, etc.).

Branding options

Step 3

Share info.link pages

With info.link, create custom styling for your brands, categories, and products. Customize the pages seasonally or for promotions to enhance the customer experience.​

info.link qr code v2-1

Step 4

Mit QR-Code verlinken

info.link’s QR codes comply with all DIN regulations and already meet the new GS1 Digital Link standard, which is set to replace the barcode. In short: They are 100% future-proof.


info.links published


teams supported


regulations covered


Best-in-class features

info.link is the only platform in the EU purpose-built for environmental compliance. In addition, it is easy to use, highly accessible, cookie-free, retail-friendly and auto-translates into any language.

📦 Every product gets its own page

With info.link, every product gets its own information page. This is essential to comply with regulations like the EU Green Claims Directive, ensuring consumers have direct access to product-specific details.

Managing hundreds or thousands of products and QR codes is complex, but info.link simplifies this with powerful automated workflows, making the task fast and effortless.


💬 Auto-translation into any language

info.link makes your content instantly accessible to every consumer: using secure AI hosted in Germany, it auto-translates your content into any language, while ensuring that critical compliance terms remain intact.

📍 Tailored content for each market

info.link lets you specify which content is shown in each market.

This is crucial for compliance, as laws vary by country (e.g., recycling). It also helps guide consumers to the right product information or services.

⏱️ Super fast page load

info.link pages are highly optimised and so lightweight that they load reliably, even with the slow internet connections common in many retail environments.

This is crucial for meeting regulatory requirements. It's also why linking to an e-commerce product page is not ideal, as they may not load.

📱 Best-in-class QR codes

Use info.link to download ready-to-print QR codes for your packaging.

Through our partnership with global retail standards organisation GS1, info.link's QR codes are already future-proof, meeting the new GS1 Digital Link standard set to replace barcodes in retail.

They also adhere to all DIN guidelines, ensuring robust scanning performance even if the packaging gets slightly damaged.

For people unable to scan QR codes, info.link provides an easy-to-type short link, ensuring compliance with the EU Accessibility Act.

🛒 Retail-friendly

Retailers often resist directing consumers to potentially cheaper online offers.

Unlike e-commerce product pages, info.link pages do not display prices. Instead, they focus on providing essential product information, fostering transparency that consumers and retail partners value. This aligns with EU regulations, which emphasise information over marketing content.

Additionally, info.link pages enhance trust by delivering consistent, reliable information across all retail environments.

🎨 Flexible branding options

info.link allows different branding for every brand, category, or even product.

This means the info.link page design can match the corresponding physical packaging, building consumer trust by confirming they have scanned the correct product.

Additionally, info.link pages can be temporarily styled to align with seasons or promotions, offering flexibility and enhancing the customer experience.

🚫 No cookies, no tracking

When consumers visit an info.link page, they won't see any cookies because info.link neither sets cookies nor tracks users.

We prioritise privacy and provide the fastest, most direct access to information, which is crucial for compliance.

🇪🇺 Hosted & built in the EU

The info.link platform is hosted in the EU and proudly built in Hamburg and Berlin, Germany. This ensures fast-loading pages and compliance (see "No cookies, no tracking"), keeping your data well-protected and private within the EU.



Frequently Asked Questions

Here we share the most frequent questions brands ask us. Contact us if you don't find the answer you're looking for.

When should we digitise my products with a QR code or web link?

You should digitise your products as soon as possible:

  • Legal Compliance: While EU directives (e.g. green claims) only become national law by mid 2026, existing national laws like the German UWG already penalise greenwashing today.
  • Economic Benefits: Both retailers and consumers reward transparency, creating economic benefits and brand value.
  • Window of Opportunity: Packaging relaunches are time-consuming; start creating digital touchpoints early to stay ahead of the competition.
Can't we just link to products in our online shop?

This is not advisable, for several reasons:

  • Retail Conflict: Retailers resist directing consumers to potentially cheaper online offers.
  • Not Information-Centric: Online product pages focus on sales, not the detailed info required by regulations like the EU Green Claims Directive.
  • Slow Load Times: Product pages with images or videos often exceed the 35KB limit, causing slow load times in retail settings.
We have a 'Sustainability' page. Is this enough?

No. Simply linking to the brand website or to general landing pages is not enough. 

This is because regulations like the EU Green Claims Directive require that consumers have immediate, direct access to product-specific (ie. GTIN/EAN-specific) information, and cannot be expected to search for the relevant information.

Be compliant

Claim your free consultation

Get a free initial consultation on green claims, your regulatory readiness and how you can future-proof your products.

State of Green Claims 2024 Report

Are brands ready for the EU Green Claims Directive? We analysed 163 Green Claims of 78 brands in German retail and found that less than 2% currently meet the new requirements.

State of Green Claims 2024 Report cover image